I always thought of the hair industry as an industry that would never die out since it is always a necessity, however, I did not think it would cause outrage being shut down during a pandemic. Clients freaking out about not getting their root touch up, politicians sneaking off to get their root touch up, and the general public finally saying “f* it” and taking matters into their own hands. Yes, I am that annoying person who has found 2020 as a lesson that we had to be shown to slow down and learn from.
Read MoreThe Do's + Don'ts of Getting Your Hair Colored
Let us just start right off the bat with the biggest misconception - showing up for your color appointment with dirty, greasy hair. I do not know where this suggestion came from but, I would think it just creates more work for the chemicals to penetrate through the dirt and grime to finally, the hair strand. So…
Read MoreHelp! My Scalp Is So Dry + Itchy
Winter is coming … yesterday, I was itching my scalp and realized that where I was itching was starting to bleed! After further inspection, me awkwardly trying to take a picture of my scalp to see, I concluded it was a dry patch. This is usually caused by dry, winter air or it can be a bigger, more persistent scalp issue.
Read MoreTricks On Keeping Your Blow-Out Fresh For A Week
Some may think this sounds insane, but trust me. Once you get the hang of it, getting your hair washed and blown out once a week is a small luxury you can gift yourself. Whether you go to professional and get it done or DIY it, who has time to spend twenty minutes a day (at least!) blow drying their hair? Now, I am not saying you will not have to brush your hair or pick up a hot tool all week, but it will be much less of a hassle.
Read MoreHow To Oil Train Your Hair
Are you sick of your hair getting greasy after just one day? For me, washing my hair once a week is not just for healthy hair purposes, but also just being lazy. It cuts down on the amount of time you need to get out the door and you are basically just waking up looking gorge. Like I always say, treat your scalp as your would your face, so here are a few ways you can degrease that scalp.
Read MoreMy Top 3 Tips For Longer, Healthier Hair
We are always striving for longer, healthier hair. First step for achieving longer, healthier hair is to establish a realistic hair goal, then maintain it.
Read MoreDo Hair Vitamins Actually Work?
The vitamin industry is predicted to become over a $300 billion company by 2024. It is in our nature to find a quick fix for beauty, health and appearance. However, the vitamin and supplement industry is not tightly regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
Read MoreWhy Is My Hair So Greasy?
Your hair and scalp are just an extension of your face. The number one rule estheticians will tell you is, do not touch your face (especially now that we are in a pandemic!). Same goes for your hair and scalp, the less you touch it, the less greasy it will be.
Read More3 Ways To Pump Up The Ponytail
Let’s be honest, most of us wear our hair up in a ponytail or messy bun 80% of the time. And that is okay. But, it gets a little boring, redundant and sloppy looking. Below are 3 super quick and easy ways to pump up the pony … and yes it includes a little teasing.
Read MoreHow Much Hair Should I Be Shedding?
Hair loss is the biggest concern of all my clients. I have heard it time and time again, “my hair is falling out in clumps!”
So what is the normal amount of hair to be shed?
The average person loses between 50 and 200 hairs per day, PER DAY. Each hair on your head (and body for that matter) is currently going through one of three cycles - Anagen, Catagen and Telogen phase.
Read MoreHow to Cope with Your Hair During a Pandemic
As we were just getting into a routine of keeping up with our beauty appointments, the pandemic came crashing down and squashed that. It was a good wake-up call on what actually matters in life and reality is, for our mental health, feeling our best is important. Here are 3 ways to manage your hair during the pandemic:
Read MoreIt is the most wonderful time of the year... Fall.
Like every basic bitch, I am obsessed with Fall and get so excited to freshen up my locks for the season. Fall is a time for renewal, change, and warmth. I think of leaves changing, pumpkin spice lattes, and cozy sweaters. Here are my top three ways to refresh your look for fall:
Read MoreBenefits of Coconut Oil Hair Treatment & How To Use It
Coconut oil has been used as a hair treatment for centuries. It is one of the only few oils, or product for that matter, that’s molecule is small enough to penetrate deep into your hair shaft to nourish and moisturize your hair. Antient Indian tradition believed that leaving the coconut oil in their hair for up to 14 hours for best results and coconut oil absorption. Research was then done in 2012 that showed that in an hour of coconut oil in your hair, your hair will absorb 15% of the oil and in 6 hours it will absorb 20-25% of the oil.
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