How To Oil Train Your Hair

Are you sick of your hair getting greasy after just one day? For me, washing my hair once a week is not just for healthy hair purposes, but also just being lazy. It cuts down on the amount of time you need to get out the door and you are basically just waking up looking gorge. Like I always say, treat your scalp as your would your face, so here are a few ways you can degrease that scalp.

  1. Clarifying Shampoo

    A clarifying shampoo, or also could be called detoxing, cleansing, purifying, is a shampoo designed to strip the oils from your hair. More technically speaking, it is cleansing your scalp and sebaceous glands of excess oil. It is equivalent as to purchasing a face wash for oily skin. Some of my favorite clarifying shampoos are Bumble and Bumble Sunday Shampoo, Dove Detox Nourishment Shampoo, and Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo.

  2. Double Cleanse

    Give yourself two really, really good shampoos , get all the gritty spots, and do not be afraid to use your nails. I like to break the scalp down in four parts - the nape of the neck, the crown, the fauxhawk area, and the sides. This assures you do not miss any major areas. Just like when you are washing your hands, sing a song to make sure you are shampooing your scalp for a good amount of time.

  3. ACV Rinse

    An apple cider vinegar rinse is a great way to give an extra cleanse, shrink your pores and balance your skin. It acts like an astringent to keep the oils at bay. I like to put the ACV in a small tint bottle and use the nose of the tint bottle, parallel with my scalp, to glide along and distribute the ACV. After applying the ACV all over your scalp, use your fingers and massage the ACV around your scalp for about a minute. Then, rinse with cool water, or cold water if you are brave enough, because this will also shrink your pores and close your hairs cuticle as well.

    You can do the ACV rinse after you shampoo and when your hair is wet or midweek when your hair is starting to get greasy. You can do it on dry, unclean hair, rinse and style as desired. The goal is that the ACV will help balance the skin on your scalp and you will not have to reach for it as often.

    P.S. ACV will make your hair shiny as well!