Hair loss is the biggest concern of all my clients. I have heard it time and time again, “my hair is falling out in clumps!”
So what is the normal amount of hair to be shed?
The average person loses between 50 and 200 hairs per day, PER DAY. Each hair on your head (and body for that matter) is currently going through one of three cycles - Anagen, Catagen and Telogen phase.
This is the growing phase and your hair strand will be in the phase for two to six years. So when you think your hair does not grow past a certain point, you are right. That means your Anagen cycle is a short one.
This is the retirement of phases where the hair starts prepping for the end . About 3% of your hairs are in retirement (or Catagen phase) and they will spend about 2-3 weeks here before entering into Telogen.
The hospice of the hair cycle. Your hair will spend about 3 months in hospice (or Telogen phase) and about 7% of your hairs are currently in this stage. Hair in this stage will shed out daily.